It all started with our signature TTBB. A soothing cream that may protect from nappy rash and sore nipples. And that’s where it gets its name “titty titty bum bum”. A joke that has stuck despite multiple efforts on Dr Kris’s part to change the name to something more professional.
And from there the range has grown to incorporate different products for different purposes.
Our products are intended for cosmetic use, and not therapeutic, as they are not TGA listed, and have not had clinical trials to prove their effectiveness. We make no claims that these products cure skin issues, they are purely to soothe and support.
More recently we have branched into a broader range of products including some for mum’s and a few facial products in testing stages.. Keep your eyes open for our new additions over the next few months. Do you have a product you’d like us to trial? Or an ingredient you’d like added (or even left out)? Contact us and we’ll see what we can do!
We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them.
Our products are intended for cosmetic use, and not therapeutic, as they are not TGA listed, and have not had clinical trials to prove their effectiveness.
Our ingredients are all chosen for their easing & soothing abilities.. and their safety on precious new delicate skin and on children and adults too.
Calendula extract
Oat extract
Coconut oil
Vitamin E
Rosehip Oil
Cocoa Butter
Aloe vera
... and so many more! All of our other products, excepting the named products at the top, are finished with a Chamomile and Lavender essential oil. Which not only is soothing on the skin, but also leaves a calming and soothing scent.
BEFORE & AFTER : Day 1 & Day 14 using Eaze Creme on babies neck on our customer in 2018
BEFORE & AFTER : Day 1 and Day 3 using eaze creme and eaze balm
Some before and after picture from our customers that show the benefits our products may have with problematic skin.
We’re thrilled that we have helped with these conditions - whilst we dont' all know how irritating and stressful they can be for some people, but i do know i have a mini melt down when i have a mozzie bite - let alone irritated, chaffed & aggrivated skin.
Feedback from our patients has been excellent. And we love feedback, good or bad!! We are “babies” in our skin care product journey - the more we hear from our customers the more we can refine and define our products!